Every blog consists of posts that provide content for viewers. What is a blog with no posts, Right? Keep reading more to find out how to write a blog post in WordPress.
Lets jump right in!
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The very first steps in writing a blog post is actually Keyword Research. If you are going to start a blog, then you should start it the right way from the very beginning using SEO (search engine optimization) strategies.
People go on search engines to look for answers to their questions. Those search engines leads them to blogs that help with those questions.
Regardless of your blogs niche, if you are blogging to drive traffic, majority of your post should be written based on high to moderate demand keywords.
Those keywords are what people are typing in the search engine.
If you know the topic you want to write about. Do the research to find out exactly “what” about that topic most people are searching for.
One of the best keyword tools available is a tool created by google themself. Called the Google Keyword Planner.

You probably believe that writing a blog post would be quicker if you just starting writing down all of your thoughts. Right?
I have wasted many hours writing and rewriting content due to additional thoughts or content that pops up in my head while writing. I then have to start changing all of the headings and subheading to fit new thoughts into the writing. Then after looking at everything I wrote, sometimes the structure does not flow. It then delays my writing even further while moving around paragraphs.
After 3 months of blogging. I had began to procrastinate writing the content because it always took longer to write then I initially thought.
I finally decided to give outlining my blog post on paper a try!
I was able to easily write and flow so much faster by just taking time to outline the post
Using a paper and pencil or tablet for the outline I suggest writing your title (H1) and then writing all main headings of your blog (H2). Under each one, maybe put in notes or things to touch in under that heading. If that heading could be broken down even further to more topics. Then write them down underneath as (H3).
Take a look at this blog post! Do you notice all of the different headings. I wrote down all the different headings and subheading before writing the blog.
I was then able to easily organize everything that was going to be covered in this blog post.

Your blog should be formatted to make it easier for viewers to navigate through the post to find the information they are looking for. Also helps google (crawl) your post to figure out what it is about.
Writing a blog post is like writing an essay for school. It is necessary to have the proper components if you desire to start ranking on the search engines.
The blog title also known as (Heading 1 or H1) is one of the most important components of your blog post. Having a catchy title with your keywords is what drives viewers to click on the link. The Heading 1 is the
Think of the different headings (H2, H3, H4) as subheadings that get smaller and smaller. The size gets smaller and smaller with each subsequent heading H1, H2, H3, H4.
Your blog post should contain photos approximately every 200-250 words to give your viewers a quick mental break from reading. For SEO strategy include Alt Text for each photo and use your keyword in at least one of your photos alt text.
The meta description is the description that shows under the title in Google. This gives the viewers a quick idea of what your post is about. Your keyword should be used in the meta description for SEO strategy. If using the Yoast Seo Plugin you will be able to find the meta description at the bottom of the post in wordpress editor in the Yoast Seo section.


A SEO blog post consists of internal and external links.
Internal links keeps viewers on your site by redirecting them to a relevant page on your website that may help answer another question.
External links carry readers to another site. For example in this post I mentioned using The Google Keyword Planner. Clicking on the link will take the viewer to that website for convenience.
To create an internal or external link. Highlight the word or words you want the link to be attached to. A toolbar of icons should appear. Click the link option and paste the URL of the page you want to redirect the viewers to, and press enter.
To keep the readers still on the current post after clicking the link, it is recommended to turn on the link setting option to “open link in new tab” Your post will remain open in the previous tab.

When writing content for your blog, its important to be consistent.
Whether you can commit to writing two blog posts a week, or two blog posts a month. Whatever it is you feel that you can maintain, google looks for consistency.
Whatever you choose. Try to choose a blog post schedule you can commit to for at least 6 months.
Remember this is your blog!
You are in control!
You can do it!