About Me
The Queen Blogger

My Story
Hey!! My name is Jasmine Olivia! I am a millenial mom of two amazing children!
My blogging journey started off in 2017 with interest in Affiliate Marketing. After hours and hours of research and running around in circles, I literally stumbled across blogging and how to start a blog.
My first blog was in the Pet Niche, A LOT of trial and error.
Starting my first blog was a MESS filled with confusion and fustration. All because I decided to be cheap and not pay for any courses (huge regret). The hours I spent trying to figure out wordpress, and what everything meant and website design was unimaginable. Learning SEO and all the different things that went along with that made things even more complicated. Everything I read required me to do more research and digging about something new. Let me not even mention Pinterest and all the social media work. Safe to say Blogging is literally a foreign language.
After joining many facebook groups, I realized so many people have all of the same questions I had when I first started blogging. I found myself helping others and answering questions I once had when I started my journey.
I started this blog to empower others starting their blogging journey.
The online world portrays a lot of women that seem extremely organized in their business and well put together.
Im here to tell you, I am not like most. My ADHD has held me back so much when it came to implementing the millions of thoughts and plans I had running around in my head. The thoughts were there, the actions were not. I always said if I could just write as much as I talked I would be successful.
Blogging allowed me to overcome my fears. I hid behind my first blog because I was scared of judgement and negativity. You can hide behind your blog “anonymously” but from experience I will tell you that it is much harder. I overcame so much in my blogging journey by taking what made me “different” to make me successful. I was always the girl that talked too much. I learned to rechannel that energy into goals and coaching others. I became empowered and you can too!
Whether you are married or single with kids, I am here to tell you it can be done. The hardest part is just starting.